Horses For Sale
Horse for sale through Karraba Park Horse Stud.
For more information regarding a particular horse please contact Larry at

Colour: BLACK
Size: 15 HDS
Born: 23/10/2004
We have decided that due to Polo no longer covering mares and Traveller being her son we will offer Cino for sale. She is sound , fertile and in great paddock condition. She has been a fantastic brood mare for us producing 6 progeny including our young sire Karraba Park Traveller. Her pedigree will suit those wanting HSH performance bloodlines being stacked with Open Campdrafters and Champion Show Horses. Selling empty and ready to breed in the spring or use for embryo transfer.

Sire: Karraba Park Traveller HSH
Dam: Stoneridge Angel HSH
Colour: Bay Filly
Born: 15/10/2021
A lovely filly that is all class with type temperament and conformation features of this filly.
The pedigree of this filly is second to none and contains some of the best performance bloodlines in the ASHS.
We love her cool temperament and quality type.
If you are looking for quality with a unique pedigree full of performance horses Chorus is the horse for you.
Quality to show and ability to draft.
Sold to repeat buyers of Karraba Park Horses. You will no doubt hear a lot more about this filly.

Ebony Lodge Tia Maria - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo
Dam: Vet School Ophelia
Colour: Black
Size: 15 hds
Born: 19/10/2005
A nasty accident to her knee has meant we were unable to break this beautiful young filly in. She was put in foal at 3yo and has produced State and Royal Show Champions.
She won the hotly contested Yearling Futurity and was developing beautifully before her accident. Her first foal "Black Opal" won the Yearling Futurity at the Vic. Championships 2011. Her second foal KARRABA PARK WALKABOUT won the Novice section of the Gippsland Super Horse Challenge.
Proving to be an exceptional broodmare like her dam.

Karraba Park Topaz - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo HSH
Dam: Kokoda Toparina
Colour: Black Filly
Born: 21/10/2014
A stunning filly with conformation, temperament, quality and pedigree to become a superstar in the show ring and camp draft arenas.
Her dam was the last foal bred by Comara Topline as he served the mare in the morning and died that afternoon.
"Topaz" will excel in the show ring and will have generations of top working camp drafting breeding to help her succeed in the camp draft arena.

Karraba Park Pivot - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo HSH
Dam: Tremorn Cino HSH
Colour: Black Gelding
Born: 07/10/2012
A quality GELDING with a stacked pedigree for performance.
He combines the bloodlines of many National Champion horses and some of the countries top camp drafting bloodlines.
Pivot is a Futurity and Maturity prospect and will make an outstanding camp drafter. He is now winning Championships for his new owners.

Karraba Park Jewel - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo HSH
Dam: Vet School Orphelia HSH
Colour: Brown
Size: 15.1 hds
Born: 09/10/2013
Jewel HSH is a mare that epitomises the ASH breed. Outstanding temperament combined with conformation and type to do anything.
Always a standout foal she developed into an outstanding mare that won in the showing and challenge arena.

Karraba Park Southern Comfort - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo HSH
Dam: Vet School Ophelia HSH
Colour: Black Colt
Born: 26/10/2014
A stunning full brother to National, State and Royal Champions and Open Campdrafters Irish Cream, Tequila, Tia Maria, and Kaluah & Matilda.
Another classy colt from this joining.
There has not been one of them that has not been cowy and with quality looks.
This colt will be good enough to do anything and be very good at whatever he does.

Karraba Park Eclipse - HSH SOLD
Sire: Beau Polo HSH
Dam: Tremon Cino HSH
Colour: Black Gelding
Born: 19/10/2013
A quality colt with a stacked pedigree for performance.
This colt is stallion material.
He combines the bloodlines of many National Champion horses and some of the countries top camp drafting bloodlines.
Eclipse is a Futurity and Maturity prospect and will make an outstanding camp drafter and later a valuable sire for an astute breeder.